
We try not to burden people with too many extra things to put on their schedules but we encourage people, in the ordinary rhythms of life, to embrace relational community. The aim of the ministries at GraceLife is to help individuals and families deepen their knowledge of the Gospel. This page highlights the Men’s and Women’s Ministries.

For deeper community and care we encourage people to be a part of a Grace Group.

(Men's Ministry Weekly Gathering and Breakfast)

Leaders: Mike Tucker and Randy Arnold
Meeting at the GraceLife building, Saturdays from 8:30-10am.

For more information click here.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Meeting at the GraceLife building, 2nd Saturday each month from 10:30am-12pm.

Fourth Saturday - Coffee and Conversation
Meeting at the GraceLife building, 4th Saturday each month from 10:30am-12pm.

For more information click here.



Women’s D-Groups (Disciples Making Disciples)

Scripture as Roots--Community as Fruit. D-Groups are ongoing discipleship/study groups organized in bite-sized, six-week sessions. We have eight sessions per year. Membership opens at the launch of each session. There are no breaks between sessions. Throughout 2024 we’ll be looking at the person of Jesus specifically through the lens of each Gospel writer. Our prayer is that the more we see who Jesus is, the more like Him we’ll become. Session two of “Mark: Knowing Jesus as Servant,” launches the week of May 12. D-Group studies and application projects help to provide accountability, structure, and transparency for the basics of a healthy Christian walk. Participation in D-Group is also excellent preparation for ministry. Learn more at, or click on “Contact a Leader” to get started. We would love to have you on mission with us.

Women's D-Group - Caledonia (Wednesday Afternoon)
Women's D-Group - Avon (Wednesday Evening)
Women’s D-Group - Lima (Monday Evening)