Vision for Grace Groups

We believe our gatherings are essential, but we also believe there is more for life. Meaning that you will hear the Gospel proclaimed, you will be empowered for your week, but community, relationships, and discipleship cannot be met completely in a Sunday gathering. Our Sunday gatherings are celebrations but the real life of the church happens throughout the week in Grace Groups and relational community.

We encourage you to dive deeper by being a part of a Grace Group. Grace Groups are where we get to know one another. We believe that relationships are the center of the Gospel. First, with God the Father through Christ the Son. Second, with one another. It is a blessing to be known. We encourage people of all ages and families to be engaged in groups together. Some of our groups offer child care. Our Grace Groups are encouraged to be missional and engage lost people with the Gospel and relationships. These groups often meet in the homes of families from GraceLife and often involve sharing a meal or snacks.

At times, current Grace Groups and new Grace Groups may use Rooted. Find out more.

We currently have a couple of Grace Groups meeting through the summer:

  • Avon – Leaders: Caleb Berg and Nate Carey. Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

  • Brighton – Leader: Mike Tucker. Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

  • Groveland – Leader: Bridgette Heap. Tuesdays at 7pm.

  • Avon – Leader: Mike Tucker. Wednesdays at 6:15pm.

If you’re interested in joining one of our Grace Groups please fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with more information.